Our company is established in 2010. It is specialized in computer and peripheral design,production, sales and service, supplied systemic, powerful and highest quanlity solution to connect the high definition equipment for global customer Our company is a synthetic company and the strength is at the forefront of the connector manufacture in china.

Depend on owning advanced equipment z superior material ,excellent product quality and advanced management conception, Controling the product quality strictly emphasizing the standard of product environmental protection,taking the attitude of "seeking truth from facts" and " pragmatic development", company obtains the approve and praise of customers from domestic and overseas.

Advanced equipments for producing and testing are in our company to support design and end assembly.MainProducts:series:MiniDP/DisplayPort/HDMIEQ/USB2.0/3.0/Type-c /Adapter/SWITCHER/SPLITTER/MATRIX SWITCHER .Magic Box and so on.70% of our products are exported to the countries and region from western,Australia and Asia.

深圳市悦诚康电子科技有限公司成立于2012年,是一家至力于电脑以及相关周边设备,具有独立研发,生产, 销售以及服务能力,为全球客户提供系统、权威、高质的高清设备连接解决方案,实力位居中 国连接器制造行业前列的综合型公司。

本公司凭借先进的设备、优质的材料、优秀的产品质量和超前的管理理念,严格把关产品 质量,注重产品环保标准,以实事求是,务实发展的态度,赢得了国内外消费者的认可和赞誉。 本着诚信、创新、负责、卓越的经营理念,秉承质量第一、用心服务的经营方针为海内外客户 服务。

我公司内设有研发、成品组装等先进的生产和测试等设备。主要产品系列:Mini DP、 DisplayPort s HDMI EQ、USB2.0/3.0/Type-c Adapter. SWITCHER/SPLITTER/MATRIX SWITCHER. Magic Box等类产品.公司产品70%出口欧美、澳洲、亚洲等多个国家和地区。

Contact us
Add: Building 21,lndustrial Development Zone,Yongxin County,JiAn City,JiangXi Province,China
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